
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You can't win them all...

So last night I attempted to dye my spare Sunswipe (Sideswipe w/Sunstreaker head) black so that I'm one step closer to making Deep Cover and the experiment failed. And what an epic fail it was!

Granted I did manage to dye all the parts I wanted black but it came at a heavy price.
Apparently MOST of the parts shrunk in the dye solution. I don't know if it's because I left the parts in for too long, had a too much acetone in the mix (1 cup of acetone w/ 3 cups of dye and water) or something else. Even worse is that the hood of the car got warped, so even if it didn't shrink it could even line up evenly with the rest of the parts. Perhaps my friend @ COTU World could help me out? Either way I now have spare parts that'll probably go towards Tigertrack.

Here's a example of the warping of the hood. I'd show more but the hood alone shows everything.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday and hoping that you get what you wanted! I got a bunch of Transformers (obviously) so I'll have a bunch of reviews up as we go into the New Year.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

2 Characters, 1 mold

Transformers Universe/Classics 2.0 began shipping earlier this year and was known about since last years Botcon. At the show they announced that they will be releasing Sideswipe and Sunstreaker as redecos of each of other. Fans rejoiced and I was satisfied. Of course much like catalogs "products may vary from picture" but after acquiring 2 (more on that later) of each figure I was surprised by the work that went into creating these figures.

It's car mode is based on 2 types of Lamborghini, the Gallardo and the Diablo, to avoid legal issues and it works. They even included a roof mounted rear engine similar to G1 Sunstreaker's for each of the twins, which is nice because it's can double as Sunstreaker's engine intakes a la his G1 mold or for Sideswipe, as his jet pack from the More Than Meets the Eye mini-series. Overall it is a very nice car mold that harkens back to the 1984 molds.

I won't bore you with details on how to transform them as you basically "unfold" the car into the robot. The really cool part is when you get to the torso. Depending on which way you rotate the legs, either the car hood or the the car roof will become the chest for Sideswipe or Sunstreaker. It's like Punch/Counterpuch from G1 but with better, modern technology. The engineering that went into this mold is amazing and quite possibly the best Transformer mold ever created. So it is possible to achieve a Sideswipe body with a Sunstreaker head and vice-a-versa. Of course you would have to pop off the hands and switch them or have a robot with upside down hands.

Of course if you're into the Japanese releases and have a spare Sunstreaker and Sideswipe you can just switch the heads and and make Tigertrack, which is what I did. Granted now I have a Classics/Universe 2.0 red Sunstreaker but with a little work I can convert him to either Clamp Down, Deep Cover or Red Alert. Or even a G2 version of Sideswipe, but I think I'll go with Deep Cover as he's mostly all black, which I can dye all the red parts with Rit Dye and mold new hands, lower torso and head in blue. Here's a quick digi-bash I did of Deep Cover.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just a small update for all of you followers out there. -_-"
Getting a new camera thus no new entries but I'll have a new one before Christmas.
Expect a few reviews soon.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

E-Hobby is re-releasing SUNSTORM!!!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Everything new is old again(?)

So this little company out of Hong Kong named BEST TOYS has released a small set called TRANSFOR GO!! ENCO 05 06 KITS.Being called a "KIT" seems a little odd to me and has me torn between a "KIT" or a "TOY". Either way Transformers fanboy around the world knows this set as the "set" that gives heads to their G1 Ironhide and Ratchet.

I managed to snag this set of heads from bigbadtoystore for $17.99 plus shipping. As you can see in the pic above they come in a small box with G1 like styling. Once you open the box you'll find the 2 heads (1 for Ironhide, 1 for Ratchet) encased in 2 clear plastic cases.

Once placed on Ironhide by simply sliding the head on to the what would be the seat ion vehicle mode, Ironhide looks very close to his 1980's animated counterpart. Even though his face is literally flat, it looks great and almost like his animation model sheet. Not bad eh?

Unfortunately this set is not 100% perfect. First of all, even though they look like their respective animated selves their heads are flat in the back. Yes completely and utterly FLAT! Like someone cut off the back of their head and let the front to suffer the humiliation of not having a back. The other problem with this set is not really a problem of the heads but caused by the HEADS. Because of their true purpose as driven robots in the Diaclone line in Japan before they became Transformers, Ironhide was a power load of sorts. This means that without a head the arms are place proportionately, once the the head is added though, it looks like his arms are slumped.

Despite it all it's a beautiful set and highly recommend it. Oh, and for wondering about the Ratchet, all that I said applies, I just didn't have my Ratchet handy. But just to appease the Ratchet fans here's a pic of his head on Ironhide's body. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tha plastic has been SLOWLY rolling down, not pouring lately.

Ahh... it's fall, the world is a little cooler now, Christmas is just 'round the corner and been awhile since I written anything here. Quite honestly, I've been busy. Even now as I type this I'm technically busy because I should be working on a final project for school. That's going well as you can see. lol.

Anywho I haven't gotten much of anything lately. I did win that lot of Legends figures from eBay, from my previous post. That's a fun little (literally! XD) lot.Wish I had my Skywarp and Sunstorm to hang out w/ Screamer but haven't had the time to liberate them from storage. That's okay though because if I play my cards right I'll have the "Aerial Rivals" 5-pack exclusive from Target which have his buddies Ramjet and Thrust. Though that's about 2 months away, so there's plenty of time to scheme. Bwahahahahahahahahaha...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

To lot or not to lot, that is the question...

This looks like a nice little lot.
It's a lot of Legends of Cybertron figures.
The lot has Optimus, Vector Prime,
Leobreaker, Thundercracker,
and Starscream. (I really want him! I'll be one step closer to making a set of LoC seekers set!)

I hope I win it :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

So I randomly decided to wiki Flying V guitars
and looky what I found:

The Epiphone Flying V Bass.

Sweet. :)
Who knew? NOw to save money for it... :D

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

just made a quick vid in flash.
I did it using a tutorial.
BTW there's no sound.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

2 down, 2 more to go

Now I just need Starscream and Skywarp!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Botcon haul

Encore Ironhide.

Smallest Snarl.

Hyper Hobby's Smallest Transformers VSX Exclusive set

Smallest Red Alert and Thrust.

Kabaya Cheetor and Longrack.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Me and David Kaye

You can see my Botcon photos

Friday, April 25, 2008

So it's that time of year again. Allergies and BOTCON. A strange and sudden fit of unexplained shortness of breath and sneezing fit have come to prey upon my vitality. Never the less i've armed myself with medicine to fight off such maladies. Hopefully it WILL be rainy in cincinnati and my allergies won't bother me. Them again perhaps the giddiness of my trip will help me to stay strong. :)

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Smallest reinforcements from Cybertron

The mailman brought me some good news.
Ramjet and Dirge, 2 out of the 3 conehead seekers.

Friday, April 18, 2008

so i'm watch g4 and and the screen freezes. i try to change the channel cause i was gonna and the stupid guide doesn't show up. so i start flipping around to see what's on and i start to only see the regular network channels. argh... that was like an hour ago. now there's a message saying that the cable has been disconnected. -_-" looks like i'll have more time to be outdoors. good thing we nice sunny weather now.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

wow... i never never noticed how many mexicans work at the chinese place by the subway. i guess it's cause i'm usually there after midnight...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Can't wait to see this! XD

As for the latest haul...

A Transformers Scramble City board game (Danke Sunny! :D)
and 3 GI Joe Sigma Six figures, Destro, Long Range and my absolute favorite, ZARTAN!!! w007!

Pics forthcoming when I'm not working on my finals.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Remote goodness!

So I picked up the mail today, and what did I find?
A white plastic bag from I got my new PSP remote!

It's so nice to have to NOT pull out my PSP switch to the next song. Too bad Sony makes them cheaply.
Or is it that I just put them through so much? hmm...
Nah, I just think that they could be better made.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Dawn of the Titans, plastic titans that is...

YAY, mini Fort Max and Metroplex!!!
Need more city Transformers to build TF city....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

When it rains it pours (plastic)!

Wow, been getting a bunch of deliveries lately!
I got some Microman Magneforce figures, an GI Joe Adventure Team Recondo (way, way better than the Sigma Six ver.!), My PSX Microman Generation 2000 video game, bootleg Kabaya Transformers Metroplex mini models and my favorite, so far, mini Fortress Maximus! Construction of Autobot City has begun!

Getting all this stuff has been overwhelming, thus the lack of homework being done. But fear not fellow junkies, the quarter is almost over and then I have a week off to have fun with my new toys! YAY! :)

Of course even that week will be about R&R, it'll also be about R&R, Repair and Restoration. I recently went to my friend claude's dad's house where I have a stash of GI Joes I was going to sell on eBay. Hmm... why didn't we go through with it before? Well anyway, in an effort to raise some money for this years BOTCON!! Hopefully my efforts are paid off w/ money for the show.

Anywho, here's some more pics from the previous group of additions to my plastic toy family.

Automaster Ryan and Groundmaster Alan

Divemaster Roberto and Red Falcon: Prince of the Micronauts

What's this? Red Falson is pissed!
Masterforce Micromen watch out!

Here comes Red Falcon as Ryan turns tail outta there!

"Freeze scumbag!"
"Who dares interrupt Red Falcon!?"

"EARTH CORPS bee-yotch!!"

Watch out here they come!
Micromen help them!


"Don't mess Earth Corps, @$$-ole!"
"Or Micromen! Sucka! BOO-YAH!"

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Smallest (TF) Victories from yesterday

Latest wins over @ eBay (damn them!)

Smallest TF Sideswipe

Smallest TF Jazz

Smallest TF Megatron

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Box(es) of Surprises

Wow, not only did I get my box of Inhumanoids (yay!), but I got my 3 Microman Microforce figures (Thanks mail lady person!) and my Palisades Micronauts Red Falcon figures (Thanks UPS guy!)!

First we have Dr. Derek Bright, AKA Digger. He's pretty cool with his navy blue exo-suit and lime green excavation tools. A cool thing about Inhumanoids figures is that they have light piping in their heads or helmet so when light passes through the clear colored plastic, it looks like their eyes or visors are glowing. For a toyline that has it's heroes exploring beneath the earth I think that's a cool feature. I mean wouldn't you want to have some light when you're underground?

Next is Edward "The Fist" Agutter, AKA Auger (WTF is an auger?). Despite his pinkish-magenta suit, this guy is totally bad ASS! Yea he was a former boxer and "world renowned spelunker" with attitude. Watching the cartoon you'll realize though, cause there's only so much you can get from a file card on the packaging. Hasbro sure loved having file cards on all their boys toy lines in the 80's! Of course the cool thing about the file cards is that they get fairly technical on the suit and it's functions. I mean they tell you the weight and height of the suit the character is in to how much heat it can take. Now that's love! Thanks Hasbro!
Ah, Granok what better way to start collecting the Mutore race known as the Granite than to begin with their leader? Oddly for a race of rock people this toy is extremely light, probably because it's hollow inside. An interesting note about the construction of this figure is that its limbs are held in place by rubber joints(?) that are shaped like barbells. I wonder why this was done? Either way once again cool ass light piping gives off that glowing effect. Check it out!

Well that's it for now cause this has taken me longer than it probably should and I have homework to do, but as I sign off for tonight I'd like to introduce you to the newest members of my family, my turtles! I haven't actually named them but have the following names in mind: Katie, Caroline, Arcee, Elita-1, Larissa, No. 1, No. 2, No. 5 and No. 6. and no the last four "names" aren't references to The Kids Next Door, they just happen to be the number of turtles I've owned to date (5,6) or just numbering them. Either way they're female, which means that they'll be trouble! LOL

Good Tunes

I don't know why but I've forgotten that Daft Punk's Discovery album is really good. I'm not justing saying this because i like Interstella 5555, which I love, but with the exception of one, maybe two tracks max, i really like the songs. Only one other album in the world do I hold in such high regard. Guns N' Roses' - Appetite for Destruction. These two albums I would definitely have with me if I were stuck on deserted island.

people... -_-"

It's difficult to be in a class with someone you used to go out with... Can't wait to go home and pick up my Inhumanoids. :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Got a pink slip from the postman today.
Looks like the Inhumanoids figures I won back in Dec. are finally in!

Also, won a Smallest Transformers Prowl for $3.24. SWEET!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

eBay is like a cheap coke dealer!

So I'm this mini Transformers kick and have bidding on items on eBay. Metroplex here on the right is a knockoff of a 1986 Kabaya candy model. Basically Kabaya is a company in Japan that sells candy and these mini model kits are included, though some would say it was the other way around.

I bid on two of these kits. One to use as Metroplex (obviously!) and one to paint as Metrotitan, one of the few new Decepticon in the 1990 Transformers Zone series in Japan. Next is Fortress Maximus. He's a mini knockoff of the real two feet tall toy!

So why am I collecting all these mini Transformers? Well a few years ago I came up the idea to have a minis game similar to Heroclix. We started with the idea to use the old decoys that were released in 1987 with all small sized Transformers but once the Japanese Smallest Transformers were released we included that but made no progress, mostly due to life. Looking around eBay I found the Kabaya knockoffs and here we are, working on this minis game again.