Just thought I 'd share a few pics for my latest eBay hauls.
Terminator 3.75" figure are done really well despite the fact that any Hasbro 3.75"/1:18 scale figure is better. The sculpts aren't bad and they do have decent articulation.
Back on the Star Wars front, I picked up another droid from that was from some Hoth Battle Pack. I don't know, kinda don't care as he'll probably be hanging out with the Jawas I've amassed throughout the years. Gonna put them all in a diorama with a cut out Sandcrawler I found at Erikstormtrooper's Imperial Gallery.

Meanwhile back at Avenger mansion... I picked up the Wasp and Antman to round out my team of Avengers. Once the Secret Wars 2-pack with Thor comics out I can recreate the original team. Sorta. I just remembered that the armor that Iron Man had when they formed isn't out YET. But for now, I'm one step closer. hehehehehe....